

( * indicates equal contribution. )

  1. Test-time training can close the natural distribution shift performance gap in deep learning based compressed sensing [Code]

    Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani, Jiayu Liu, Reinhard Heckel

    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022

  2. Accelerated MRI with un-trained neural networks [Code]

    Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani, Reinhard Heckel

    IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021

  3. Measuring robustness in deep learning based compressive sensing [Code]

    Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani, Akshay S Chaudhari, Reinhard Heckel

    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), long talk, 2021

  4. Low cost DNA data storage using photolithographic synthesis and advanced information reconstruction and error correction [Code]

    Philipp L Antkowiak, Jory Lietard, Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani, Mark M Somoza, Wendelin J Stark, Reinhard Heckel, Robert N Grass

    Nature Communications, 2020